Results for 'D. A. Prince'

939 found
  1. Neurotransmitter modulation of thalamic neuronal firing pattern.D. A. McCormick & D. A. Prince - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (4):573-590.
  2.  39
    A. Longo and D. Del Forno.Brian D. Prince - 2014 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 8 (1):123-125.
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    The Metaphysics of Bodily Health and Disease in Plato's Timaeus.Brian D. Prince - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (5):908-928.
    Near the end of his speech, Timaeus outlines a theory of bodily health and disease which has seemed to many commentators loosely unified or even inconsistent . But this section is better unified than it has appeared, and gives us at least one important insight into the workings of physical causality in the Timaeus. I argue first that the apparent disorder in Timaeus’s theory of disease is likely a deliberate effect planned by the author. Second, the taxonomy of disease in (...)
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    Physical Change in Plato's Timaeus.Brian D. Prince - 2013 - Apeiron 47 (2):211-229.
    In this paper I ask how Timaeus explains change within the trianglebased part of his cosmos. Two common views are that change among physical items is somehow caused or enabled by either the forms or the demiurge. I argue for a competing view, on which the physical items are capable of bringing about change by themselves, prior to the intervention of the demiurge, and prior to their being turned into imitations of the forms. I outline three problems for the view (...)
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    On the diabetic menu: Zebrafish as a model for pancreas development and function.Mary D. Kinkel & Victoria E. Prince - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (2):139-152.
    Development of the vertebrate pancreas is a complex stepwise process comprising regionalization, cell differentiation, and morphogenesis. Studies in zebrafish are contributing to an emerging picture of pancreas development in which extrinsic signaling molecules influence intrinsic transcriptional programs to allow ultimate differentiation of specific pancreatic cell types. Zebrafish experiments have revealed roles for several signaling molecules in aspects of this process; for example our own work has shown that retinoic acid signals specify the pre‐pancreatic endoderm. Time‐lapse imaging of live zebrafish embryos (...)
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  6.  59
    Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity.Anna Marmodoro & Brian D. Prince (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Written by a group of leading scholars, this unique collection of essays investigates the views of both pagan and Christian philosophers on causation and the creation of the cosmos. Structured in two parts, the volume first looks at divine agency and how late antique thinkers, including the Stoics, Plotinus, Porphyry, Simplicius, Philoponus and Gregory of Nyssa, tackled questions such as: is the cosmos eternal? Did it come from nothing or from something pre-existing? How was it caused to come into existence? (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 5.T. Barr Greenfield, Natalie A. Naylor, Clifford G. Erickson, Roy D. Bristow, Marjorie Holiman, Bruce M. Lutsk, Edward C. Nelson, Richard M. Schrader, Calvin B. Michael, Max Bailey, Robert E. Belding, Hank Prince, Gari Lesnoff-Caravaglia, Edgar B. Gumbert, Robert J. Nash, Robert R. Sherman, Philip G. Altbach, Edward F. Carr, Lawrence W. Byrnes & Robert Gallacher - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):255-270.
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    (1 other version)Apprendre à sentir : l’exercice de la perception par sa déstabilisation dans les œuvres labyrinthiques.Justine Prince - forthcoming - Methodos.
    L’exercice artistique suppose un rapport au temps spécifique : l’homme s’exerçant à son art répète, reprend, corrige ses gestes. Mais en va-t-il de même concernant la réception des œuvres : la perception du spectateur s’exerce-t-elle par répétition et variation des expériences esthétiques? L’objet de cet article est de montrer qu’il existe un type d’exercice dont le mécanisme repose plutôt sur la déstabilisation des habitudes de perception. À partir des réflexions valéryennes sur l’informe dans l’_Introduction à la méthode de Léonard de (...)
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    La geste du Prince Igoŕ, épopée russe du douzième siècleLa geste du Prince Igor, epopee russe du douzieme siecle.Karl H. Menges, D'Henri Grégoire, Roman Jakobson, Marc Szeftel, J. A. Joffe & D'Henri Gregoire - 1949 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 69 (1):43.
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    A prince for the Renaissance: Antonio Beccadelli (1394–1471) and the representation of Alfonso the Magnanimous (1396–1458) in early modern Europe. [REVIEW]Gema Belia Capilla Aledón - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    European powers – mainly Spanish and Italian – took the figure of Alfonso the Magnanimous, King of Aragon (1416–1458), into great consideration as the example of the new modern prince. His image was highly valued in sixteenth and seventeenth-century historical texts like those of Jerónimo de Zurita (1512–1580), Giovanni Antonio Summonte (d.u.–1602) and Luigi Bonincontro (d.u.). Their concept of this sovereign and their admiration for his character are largely due to the success of his representative programme. Given his link (...)
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  11.  22
    Gérard Genette, l’espace et le récit.Gerald Prince - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):101-106.
    Gérard Genette parle fort peu de questions spatiales dans ses discours sur le récit. Il s’en est justifié en arguant que l’espace narratif constitue une catégorie de contenu plutôt que de forme. Cependant, cet espace s’avère souvent narrativement pertinent pour des raisons qui ne sont pas thématiques et, tout en restant fidèle à Genette, on peut caractériser narratologiquement les potentialités spatiales du récit. Cela suggère que le désintérêt de Genette narratologue pour ce domaine est lié non seulement à un choix (...)
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  12.  19
    Worlds with Style.Gerald Prince - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):59-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gerald Prince WORLDS WITH STYLE Whether it is taken to be a laudable characteristic of verbal artifacts (as in, "This essay is really well written"), a distinctive feature of an individual manner of speaking or writing (as in, "Jane definitely has a style of her own"), an ornamental supplement to that which is expressed (style as elocutio), or an appropriate way of using language in different contexts (there (...)
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  13.  12
    Reconciling Opposites: A Study of ὑπεναντίον in Aristotle.Susan H. Prince - 2024 - In David Keyt & Christopher Shields (eds.), Principles and Praxis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy in Honor of Fred D. Miller, Jr. Springer Verlag. pp. 251-272.
    At On Generation and Corruption I.7.323b1–324a5, Aristotle claims that his new method of analysis for fundamental bodies and properties resolves a traditional apparent incompatibility between opposed principles applied by different philosophical authorities to the problem of affecting and being affected (poiein and paschein): that the like interacts with the unlike, and that the like interacts with the like. Twice in this passage, Aristotle uses a form of the term hupenantion (etymologically, ‘sub-oppositional’) in an extended discussion that includes his declaration of (...)
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  14. What pleases the prince: Justinian, Napoleon and the lawyers.D. Kelley - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (2):288-302.
    Following the precedent of Justinian, First Consul and then Emperor Napoleon proposed to enhance his military achievements with a legal Code based on the riches of Roman law and a system of legal education designed to perpetuate it. Like Justinian, Napoleon prohibited 'interpretation' of his creation on the grounds that this would contravene imperial will -- as opposed to the countervailing principle of popular sovereignty. Yet in neither case could the prince stop history, for in the effort to adapt (...)
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  15.  11
    Learning to feel: the exercise of perception through its destabilization in labyrinthine works of art.Justine Prince - 2021 - Methodos 21.
    L’exercice artistique suppose un rapport au temps spécifique : l’homme s’exerçant à son art répète, reprend, corrige ses gestes. Mais en va-t-il de même concernant la réception des œuvres : la perception du spectateur s’exerce-t-elle par répétition et variation des expériences esthétiques? L’objet de cet article est de montrer qu’il existe un type d’exercice dont le mécanisme repose plutôt sur la déstabilisation des habitudes de perception. À partir des réflexions valéryennes sur l’informe dans l’Introduction à la méthode de Léonard de (...)
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    Machiavelli's Prince as Ceo.Kendall D'Andrade - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (4):395-404.
    The Machiavellian model is often praised as a realistic description of modern corporate life. My analysis of Tne Prince follows Rousseau in arguing that the prince can survive and prosper most easily by creating an environment in which almost all the citizens prosper. Far from licensing unrestrained self-aggrandizement, in this model success only comes from providing real value to almost every citizen for the entire period of one's leadership.Translation from the early sixteenth to the late twentieth century is (...)
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    Monnaies inédites en or et en argent frappées à Clarence, à l'imitation des monnaies vénitiennes, par Robert d'Anjou, prince du Péloponnèse.Paul Lambros P. - 1877 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 1 (1):89-99.
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    Hegemony, passive revolution and the modern Prince.Peter D. Thomas - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):20-39.
    Gramsci’s concept of hegemony has been interpreted in a wide variety of ways, including a theory of consent, of political unity, of ‘anti-politics’, and of geopolitical competition. These interpretations are united in regarding hegemony as a general theory of political power and domination, and as deriving from a particular interpretation of the concept of passive revolution. Building upon the recent intense season of philological research on the Prison Notebooks, this article argues that the concept of hegemony is better understood as (...)
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  19.  23
    Reverberations of The Prince: From ‘heroic fury’ to ‘living philology’.Peter D. Thomas - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 147 (1):76-88.
    This article explores the ways in which Gramsci’s engagement with Machiavelli and The Prince in particular result in three significant developments in the Prison Notebooks. First, I analyse how the ‘heroic fury’ of Gramsci’s lifelong interest in Machiavelli’s thought develops, during the composition of his carceral writings, into a novel approach to the reading of The Prince, giving rise to the famous notion of the ‘modern Prince’. Second, I argue that the modern Prince should not be (...)
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  20.  34
    Peter Russell. Prince Henry “the Navigator”: A Life. xvi + 448 pp., illus., figs., apps., bibl., index. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. $35. [REVIEW]D. Graham Burnett - 2005 - Isis 96 (1):105-106.
  21.  33
    “Azioni in modo l’una dall’altra”: action for action's sake in Machiavelli's The Prince : [Political Action, Machiavelli, Virtù and Fortuna, The Prince, Political Causality].Charles D. Tarlton - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (2):123-140.
    It has come to be increasingly recognized that The Prince fails to offer a viable and practical guide to successful political action. Violent force provides Machiavelli's theory with the only even tentative form of purposive action he can theoretically sustain. In violence, elements of the action itself seem to appear as consequences, thus restoring a semblance of connection between deliberate action and outcomes. As a result, successful political action becomes less a question of examples and precepts than a matter (...)
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    Political desire and the idea of murder in Machiavelli's the Prince.Charles D. Tarlton - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (1):39-66.
    Machiavelli's much advertised science of politics turns out, in the long run, to falter. Machiavelli's various stratagems for controlling political outcomes are workable a small percentage of the time at best. Unpredictability works continually against the theory of practical action. A large part of Machiavelli's adaptation to this deficiency is to turn at many crucial moments, to the unambiguous and startling clarity of murder as a political instrument. It is this central position of murder that helps to account for worrying (...)
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    A golden crown to gain: The machiavellianism of Kipling's 'the man who would be King'.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This paper discusses Rudyard Kipling's famous story 'The Man Who Would Be King' in terms of the leitmotif of Machiavellian political philosophy that is to be discerned in the unfolding of the story. Kipling introduces us to the twin founders of the new order in Kafiristan in the same way that Machiavelli dedicates his 'Discourses' to two young nobles. He then proceeds to describe how they acquired their new kingdom and then how they lost it. On closer examination it becomes (...)
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    Toward an Ontology of Authored Works.D. H. Hick - 2011 - British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (2):185-199.
    In 2003, a photograph taken by Richard Prince, Untitled (Cowboy) , sold at auction for $332,300. Some might be surprised that a photograph could garner such a sum, but, in this case at least, none more so than Jim Krantz. Krantz might be allowed a certain level of incredulity, for Prince's photograph was a photograph of another photograph, this one taken by Krantz himself. As far as copyright is concerned, Krantz's photograph and Prince's are the same work, (...)
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  25. Bioethics and politics: "Doing ethics" in the public square.Edmund D. Pellegrino - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (6):569 – 584.
    “Hence it is necessary for a Prince wishing to hold his own to know how to do wrong and to make use of it according to necessity.”—Machiavelli“Every state is a community of some kind and every community is established with a view to some good…”—Aristotle.
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    Book Review: Solitude: A Philosophical Encounter. [REVIEW]Robert D. Cottrell - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):155-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Solitude: A Philosophical EncounterRobert D. CottrellSolitude: A Philosophical Encounter, by Philip Koch; xiv & 375 pp. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1994, $39.95 cloth, $17.95 paper.A professor of philosophy at the University of Prince Edward Island (an attractively solitary spot, I should imagine), Philip Koch divides his book into two parts, asking in Part I: what is solitude? and in Part II: what role does solitude play (...)
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  27.  15
    Yoruba philosophy and the seeds of enlightenment: advancing Yoruba philosophy.Yemi D. Ogunyemi - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware, United States: Vernon Press.
    For upwards of 25 years, Yemi D. Prince (also known as Yemi D. Ogunyemi) has systematically devoted himself to the education, research and reason of Creative Writing and from Creative Writing to Creative Thinking and from Creative Thinking to Yoruba narrative, cultural, folk philosophy. On realizing that Creative Thinking has become his area of focus and interest, he succeeds in cultivating big ideas, combining them with his life-long experiences in the Humanities, transforming them into new ways of writing, thinking (...)
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    Petrarchan Love and the Pleasures of Frustration.Aldo D. Scaglione - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):557-572.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Petrarchan Love and the Pleasures of FrustrationAldo Scaglione—Think you, if Laura had been Petrarch’s wife, He would have written sonnets all his life?Lord Byron, Don Juan, canto III, st. 7As Byron ironically intimated, there is a behavioral connection between much of the literature of love and sexual frustration. What is known as medieval “courtly love” was an epiphany of idealized love. Whether self-imposed or forced restraint, it infused much (...)
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    Memories, Bodies and Persons.D. E. Cooper - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (189):255 - 263.
    Traditionally, philosophical writings on personal identity have taken the form of attempts to discover the dominant criterion for deciding when a person at one time is identical with a person at some other time. Among the candidates for the role of dominant criterion have been bodily continuity and memory . In the normal case, where a person P is identical with a person P′ at an earlier time, it is true that P and P′ share a continuous body, that P (...)
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  30.  25
    Machiavel, Léonard de Vinci et l'émergence de la modernité.Roger D. Masters - 1997 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 41:413-443.
    Les chercheurs disputent depuis longtemps pour savoir si Machiavel est le "premier moderne", le chef de file du "républicanisme classique" ou un penseur laïc dans une perspective médiévale ou pré-moderne. Les rapports personnels entre Léonard de Vinci et Machiavel, dont les théoriciens politiques sont généralement inconscients, permettent de mieux comprendre le rôle de Machiavel dans la transition vers la modernité. La conception vincinienne d'une science de la nature et les possibilités qu'elle ouvrait aux innovations technologiques ont représenté un grand pas (...)
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  31. Resistance and Struggles.Oruno D. Lara - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):187-208.
    For three decades, studies of the African slave trade and the system of slavery have proliferated. Conferences have been held one after another: in Copenhagen (1974), New York (1978), Port-au-Prince (1978), Washington, Harvard University (1979), Manchester (1982), Nantes (1985), Madrid (1988), Paris, Port-au-Prince, Saint-Louis, Dakar (all in 1989), Nantes (1993), and Nouakchott (1995). Numerous specialists from universities in Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and the Americas (Brazil, the United States, and Canada) have convened to compare the results of their (...)
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    Les Épîtres des Frères en pureté =.Guillaume de Vaulx D'Arcy (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    Un navire humain fait naufrage sur l'ile du roi des djinns ou l'entente regne entre toutes les especes. Les naufrages pretendent qu'ils sont les seigneurs, que les animaux sont leurs serviteurs. S'engage alors un proces dans lequel les representants des nations humaines se succedent pour prouver leur superiorite. Les familles animales se relaient pour les refuter. Telle est l'epitre sur les animaux des Freres en Purete. Une fable-fleuve, un joyau inespere de la litterature arabe intercale entre un traite de botanique (...)
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    On the Names of Aelivs Caesar, Adopted Son Of Hadrian.1.A. S. L. Farquharson - 1908 - Classical Quarterly 2 (1):109-8.
    Historians of the Roman Empire have been nearly unanimous in giving the ill-fated Caesar whom Hadrian designated as his successor the cognomen Verus ascribed to him by Spartianus.2 Following the same biographer Annalists have given the names Aurelius and Annius to his father and grandfather. Noris in his Epistola Consularis3 maintained against Pagi that the original names of this prince were Lucius Ceionius Commodus, that neither he nor any of his family bore the names Aurelius, Annius, or Verus ascribed (...)
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    Shakespeare and political philosophy.John D. Cox - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):107-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 107-124 [Access article in PDF] Shakespeare and Political Philosophy John D. Cox Though Shakespeare has been praised as one of the greatest thinkers who ever lived, he has no standing in the history of Western philosophy, being at best a footnote to the derivative neo-Platonists and skeptics of the late Renaissance. He died in 1616, more than twenty years before Descartes's Discourse on Method (...)
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    Xenophon and the History of His Times.Charles D. Hamilton - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):167-170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Xenophon and the History of His TimesCharles D. HamiltonJohn Dillery. Xenophon and the History of His Times. London and New York: Routledge, 1995. xii + 337 pp. Cloth, $69.95.Xenophon is rarely portrayed as one of the leading literary figures, or thinkers, of his age: when viewed as a philosopher, he is overshadowed by his great contemporary Plato, and as a historian, he is inevitably, and unfavorably, compared with (...)
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    Book Review: After the Future. The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian Culture. [REVIEW]D. M. Khanin - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):508-511.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:After the Future. The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian CultureDmitry KhaninAfter the Future. The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian Culture, by Mikhail Epstein; translated with an introduction by Anessa Miller-Pogacar; xvi & 394 pp. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995, $55.00 cloth, $19.95 paper.Mikhail Epstein, a renowned Soviet critic—his books in Russian include Paradoxes of the New (1988) and Faith and Image: The Religious Subconscious in (...)
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    The Other Machiavelli.V. D. Vinogradov & D. V. Ivanov - 1996 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 34 (4):36-50.
    The term 'Machiavellianism', used to designate a tough politics knowing no ethical barriers, entered firmly into circulation as far back as the sixteenth century. It was the negative reaction to the maxims in The Prince that defined the initial attitude toward Machiavelli's doctrine, and the internal polemic with this initial assessment has spawned an endless stream of literature endeavoring to justify in one way or other the ill-starred secretary of the Florentine Republic. In sheer number of publications, pro-Machiavelli views (...)
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    I, Corpenstein: Mythic, Metaphorical and Visual Renderings of the Corporate Form in Comics and Film.Timothy D. Peters - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (3):427-454.
    From US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis’s 1933 judgement in Louis K Liggett Co v Lee to Matt Wuerker’s satirical cartoon “Corpenstein”, the use of Frankenstein’s monster as a metaphor for the modern corporation has been a common practice. This paper seeks to unpack and extend explicitly this metaphorical register via a recent filmic and graphic interpretation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein myth. Whilst Frankenstein has been read as an allegorical critique of rights—Victor Frankenstein’s creation of a monstrous body, reflecting the (...)
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    Kenneth M. Boyd, MA, BD, Ph. D., is Senior Lecturer in Medical Ethics, Edinburgh University Medical School, Research Director of the Institute of Medical Ethics, and Associate Minister of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Princes Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. [REVIEW]David A. Buehler, Paul Carrick, David DeGrazia, Alan M. Goldberg, Richard N. Hill, Kenneth V. Iserson & Andrew Jameton - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8:6-7.
  40.  21
    « Se pourvoir d’armes propres » : Machiavel, les « péchés des princes » et comment les racheter.Jean-Claude Zancarini - 2009 - Astérion 6 (6).
    Dans les textes de Machiavel, la question de la guerre est souvent l’horizon même de la question de la politique. La politique et la guerre y sont en permanence mêlées, souvent indissociables ; cela dans les relations que les États établissent entre eux, mais aussi à l’intérieur même des États, des provinces et des cités. Il ne s’agit pas ici de couvrir l’ensemble de ce champ des liens entre la politique et la guerre, tâche impossible à mener dans le cadre (...)
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  41. A Solid-State Maxwell Demon.D. P. Sheehan, A. R. Putnam & J. H. Wright - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (10):1557-1595.
    A laboratory-testable, solid-state Maxwell demon is proposed that utilizes the electric field energy of an open-gap p-n junction. Numerical results from a commercial semiconductor device simulator (Silvaco International–Atlas) verify primary results from a 1-D analytic model. Present day fabrication techniques appear adequate for laboratory tests of principle.
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  42. Lexical semantics.D. A. Cruse - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Lexical Semantics is about the meaning of words. Although obviously a central concern of linguistics, the semantic behaviour of words has been unduly neglected in the current literature, which has tended to emphasize sentential semantics and its relation to formal systems of logic. In this textbook D. A. Cruse establishes in a principled and disciplined way the descriptive and generalizable facts about lexical relations that any formal theory of semantics will have to encompass. Among the topics covered in depth are (...)
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  43.  17
    The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey C. Mansfield.Adam Schulman, Joseph Reisert, Kathryn Sensen, Eric S. Petrie, Alan Levine, Diana J. Schaub, David S. Fott, Travis D. Smith, Ioannis D. Evrigenis, James Read, Janet Dougherty, Andrew Sabl, Sharon Krause, Steven Lenzner, Ben Berger, Russell Muirhead & Mark Blitz (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    The arts of rule cover the exercise of power by princes and popular sovereigns, but they range beyond the domain of government itself, extending to civil associations, political parties, and religious institutions. Making full use of political philosophy from a range of backgrounds, this festschrift for Harvey Mansfield recognizes that although the arts of rule are comprehensive, the best government is a limited one.
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    Mathematical Assessment of the Role of Early Latent Infections and Targeted Control Strategies on Syphilis Transmission Dynamics.D. Okuonghae, A. B. Gumel, B. O. Ikhimwin & E. Iboi - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 67 (1):47-84.
    A new multi-stage deterministic model for the transmission dynamics of syphilis, which incorporates disease transmission by individuals in the early latent stage of syphilis infection and the reversions of early latent syphilis to the primary and secondary stages, is formulated and rigorously analysed. The model is used to assess the population-level impact of preventive and therapeutic measures against the spread of the disease in a community. It is shown that the disease-free equilibrium of the model is globally-asymptotically stable whenever the (...)
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  45. A Response to Professor Gorovitz.A. Caplan & M. D. Bayles - 1978 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 3 (3):192-195.
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    Constructing the Death Elephant: A Synthetic Paradigm Shift for the Definition, Criteria, and Tests for Death.D. A. Shewmon - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (3):256-298.
    In debates about criteria for human death, several camps have emerged, the main two focusing on either loss of the "organism as a whole" (the mainstream view) or loss of consciousness or "personhood." Controversies also rage over the proper definition of "irreversible" in criteria for death. The situation is reminiscent of the proverbial blind men palpating an elephant; each describes the creature according to the part he can touch. Similarly, each camp grasps some aspect of the complex reality of death. (...)
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  47. On a three-valued logical calculus and its application to the analysis of the paradoxes of the classical extended functional calculus.D. A. Bochvar & Merrie Bergmann - 1981 - History and Philosophy of Logic 2 (1-2):87-112.
    A three-valued propositional logic is presented, within which the three values are read as ?true?, ?false? and ?nonsense?. A three-valued extended functional calculus, unrestricted by the theory of types, is then developed. Within the latter system, Bochvar analyzes the Russell paradox and the Grelling-Weyl paradox, formally demonstrating the meaninglessness of both.
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    The Buddha and Wittgenstein: A brief philosophical exegesis.A. D. P. Kalansuriya - 1993 - Asian Philosophy 3 (2):103 – 111.
    Abstract An attempt is made to analyse the key notions in the Buddha's Dhamma? ?truth?, ?knowledge?, ?emancipation??by way of the philosophical techniques of the later Wittgenstein. The analysis hence is both comparative and noncomparative. It is comparative because two thought processes from two different traditions are brought together. And it is noncomparative since it brings into focus a philosophical exegesis as against a comparative exposition. In the process not only are philosophical errors in comparative exposition made explicit in our thesis (...)
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    Privacy and the Genetic Community.Marisa A. Leib-Neri & Anya E. R. Prince - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):70-72.
    The concept of a communal type of privacy shared by interconnected social groups has wide applications in the healthcare field, specifically in genetic testing and genetic data privacy (Pyrrho, Cam...
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  50. Comentarios a la carta encíclica "Fides et ratio".A. D. Moratalla - 1999 - Diálogo Filosófico 43:95-104.
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